3-D Scanning Pop-Up Class

3-D scanning is fascinating because there are many options available for all experience levels. People do not need high tech equipment to make basic images and make 3-D printed models. The library has a wide variety available to all students and the pop-up class showcased four different types of software. I liked the speed at which the software produced models, especially the one where you walk around the object. One walk around a person and you have a digital image of their head. I would be interested in making a 3-D print of my head and that type seems to be the best option to use.

The life cast camera is also impressive because it has eliminated the need for plaster to make busts of people. The video showed that in a matter of seconds they had the data to make the first bust of the president using a life cast camera. I have always been interested in prosthetics and 3-D printing is making many inroads toward improving prosthetics.


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