
Radiolab discussed many interesting topics about color. I was most fascinated by the mantis shrimp. It is hard to fathom colors that are unknown to us, especially when they have 16 cones compared to our three. Color is one of the most difficult things to describe. I also do not understand how scientists know that such colors exist and that other animals can see them if they are not visible to humans. I had never heard of mantis shrimps before and am shocked that even their body is made of such vibrant colors. I wonder what a mantis shrimp looks like viewed from the eyes of another mantis shrimp. The choir was another helpful tool to imagine what the rainbow looks like to humans and other animals. 

Another topic that I found shocking was that the color blue was not mentioned in the Iliad or other writings by Homer. Also that blue was always the last color to be discovered in virtually every culture. Their theory is that we don't need a name for a color until it can be reliably produced and blue was not very common back then.

Two songs that I recommend about color are "Mr. Blue Sky" by Electric Light Orchestra and "Colors" by The Head and the Heart.


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