
I found this reading very difficult. Even after several times through I feel like I am missing major points. Maybe because I consider myself someone with little imagination it was harder for me to understand. I have always been more of a mathematical person and find it harder to creatively interpret readings. I do think it is interesting to note the differences in peoples’ creativity levels. This article also made me think about the difference between dreams and imagination? If the imagination is images from God, does he also present dreams to us while we sleep?

            But I can relate to one of Italo’s imaginative processes. It is when “we read a scene in a novel or the report of some event in a newspaper and, according to the greater or lesser effectiveness of the text, we are brought to witness the scene as if it were taking place before our eyes, or at least to witness certain fragments or details of the scene that are singled out.” I love reading, especially when a good author has the ability to transport the reader into their story based on their rhetoric.


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